4G cell phone RF detector Q&A

The Professional Counter Surveillance (TSCM) device, 4G Cell Phone Signal Detector is design in portable handheld type with highly effective detection equipment.
We have listed questions you may have on RFD-10 the handheld 4G mobile phone signal detector.

Q: Can the 4G detector detect WiFi Signal?
A: No, the 4G cell phone detector is design to detect the mobile phone signal only, likes 2G, 3G and 4G. The detector will not be triggered by a WiFi router unless it is within one meter in distance at all sensitivity setting.

Q: How to use the 4G RF detector?
A: First, you need determined by the overall background noise and adjust the sensitivity of each band. Also to test the detector, one has to be sure that there is nobody using cellphone within 30 meters in radius. Tests should not be conducted in densely populated area such as office building, exhibition center, department store.... In these areas, there are always people using cell phones behind the wall.
Highly populated area, by its nature, is a very noisy area that hinders the detection of weak signal.

Q: Will it be difference if using the prepaid card or postpaid card?
A: No. there should be no difference using a prepaid card. The only difference is Service Provider may be different. Different service provider may have different density of base stations. The signal will be stronger if the base station is farther away.
Cell phone transmission power is controlled by the base station. When dialing a number, cell phone uses maximum power and a delegated frequency channel to connect to a base station. Then the base station directs the cell phone to change to communication channel for the main communication. The signal strength is controlled by the base station according to the distance between the cell phone and the base station. So, during speech, signal may be lower than when dialing or hanging up.

Other questions about the detector, please contact with info@cleverintelligenceunity.tw


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