How to find spy camera ?

There are two types of spy camera in the marketwired and wireless spy camera.
You can use camera lens detector/locator to find the wired spy cam; wireless camera hunter to find the wireless cam.

RFD-061.2/2.4/5.8GHz Wireless Spy Mini Camera Detector/Finder

l   Can intercept wireless analogy spy camera.

l   it scans 1.2/2.4/5.8 GHz frequency at same time.


RFD-11Multi-Function 3G 4G LTE Cell Phone Hidden Mini Camera, RF Bug Detector

l   It is a frequency scanner + Lens detector, helps to find wired/wireless bug


RFD-14 2 in 1 Wireless videoscanner and RF detector

l   Can intercept wireless analogy spy camera
l   it scans the 1.2/2.4/5.8 GHz frequency cyclically

You have no idea what equipment suitable for you, contact with us.


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