How to reduce the bike accident ?

When the weather starts warm, people start their outdoor activities and bicycle riding.

According to the report, most of the cyclists die at night.
If you are doing outdoor activities at night (for example: bicycling, running), please make yourself more “visible”.

The reflective material needs a source to reflect; now you have another choice – Washable Lighted LED Vest, make you visible from miles away.

Better visibility; fewer accidents.

The washable LED vest offers 3 types of lights, it is light weight and controlled by battery.

Washable LED Vest Wearable, Fordable, Super Bright LED Cord in a Safety Vest Triple Safety - LED yarn, Fluorescent Fabric, Reflective Cords The LED Shield Vest incorporates the conventional fluorescent color and reflective cords with multiple pattern LED yarn, so that the wearers can easier be noticed by the auto-drivers and motor-riders even in the conditions like rainy, foggy and evening.

MaterialPolyamide fabric and LED 
ColorFluorescent yellow with grey reflective cords
LED ColorWhite (Blue and Red also available)
SizeOne size for adult
Coin Battery Specification
Size20mm Perimeter x 7mm Thick
Battery TypeTwo CR2032 coin batteries
LED Pattern3 stages

Children, pedestrian, outdoor lovers and street workers,

Likes traffic conductor, lollipop lady, sweeper, and road mender 

Сигнальный светодиодный жилет, жилет безопасности, светоотражающий, жилет с светодиодной полосой жилет

ЖИЛЕТ СВЕТООТРАЖАЮЩИЙ СО СВЕТОДИОДАМИ - это сигнальный жилет со светодиодами, который позволяет заметить человека при отсутствии света. Любая светоотражающая защитная одежда излучает свет только при наличии источника света. Защитная одежда со светодиодами гораздо надёжнее. Она работает в любых условиях. Её могут использовать велосипедисты, мотоциклисты, строители, дорожные рабочие, сотрудники ГАИ, пожарные, сотрудники специальных служб.

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