Keep your mobile device secure !

FIPS Level 3

Nov. 18. 2013 ABC news stated that Australian intelligence tried to listen in to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's mobile phone.

Feb. 23. 2014 Reuters’ news stated that NSA has stepped up its surveillance of senior German government officials since being ordered by Barack Obama to halt its spying on Chancellor Angela Merkel.

From NSA’s worldwide spying operations, all mobile user need to think about security on mobile device.

There are various encrypted mobile communication devices you can find on  the market. One is hardware based encryption group and other is software base encryption group.

What is the difference between the software and hardware encryption?
From ehow
Software-based encryption uses the computer's program to encrypt data and Software encryption often uses the user's password as the encryption key that scrambles the data. The encrypted data is secure, only as safe as your computer.
If hackers can get malicious code onto the computer, they can change or disable the encryption, allowing the disk to store unsecured data.
Hardware-based encryption uses a dedicated processor physically located on the encrypted driver instead of the computer's processor. This encryption processor also often contains a random number generator to generate an encryption key, which the user's password will unlock. Hardware-based encryption runs independently of the operating system so it is not exposed to the most common attacks.
The hardware-based encrypted solution is safer than software.

Encrypted Android phone micro SD card provides point-to-point voice encryption, which means all data is first encrypted on the device before it is sent off and decrypted by the receiving device. The encrypted key of each phone call is created randomly and store in the encrypted chip, not in the cell phone so that it can resist the tapping of the Trojan virus.



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