
Showing posts from October, 2014

Non destructive tool - Videoscope

Nondestructive testing  / Non-destructive testing  ( NDT ) is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage. Industrial borescope is one of the diagnostic tool for  multitude of inspection requirements  such as defense, rescue, law enforcement, aviation, automotive, plumber, building inspection and so on. In security area , the inspection camera can use in : Customs Police Drug Search (TSCM) Technical Surveillance Countermeasures      Search for spy bugs, cover camera or other tiny/small items. ​ Exp losive Device Search    To search venues , transport for possible terrorist bombs during Military operations, VIP visits, head of summits, conferences, activities. In industrial area -     For more details about industrial videosc...

4 way articulation videoscope Four way borescope, DVR Industrial videosc...
